Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) Can You Camouflage Me? Can you make your lizard dissappear? It's time to design your very own invisibility cloak. Help your new buddy vanish into his backd...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) Wonder Bugs – Kids Activity Meet Donald. Donald is a beetle that is missing a few bits and pieces. Because he is an insect that needs to fly, Donald should have...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsNew & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors) Prescription Hugs – the healing benefits of hugging We have a mental health crisis at our door, and accompanying this is the loneliness epidemic, and the two go hand in hand – could hu...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsGuided Meditations & Yoga Sequences (Guest Contributors) Prescription Sound – an immersive sound healing activity. You are being prescribed one dose of nature, to be taken daily... These sounds and samples are collected from the natural world and...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) Hermit Crab City – Kids Cut & Paste Activity Cut and paste a city atop a hermit crabs shell, and imagine a world under the sea with your other hermit friends and family.
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) Kids Activity – “What’s Your Mood?” From invisibility cloaks to complex problem-solving abilities, glowing colour-changing skin, shape-shifting bodies and smoky doppelg...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) Big Feelings – Understanding Emotions If you know what your emotions are, how they feel and how best to describe them, you are more likely to control them. Find the 'Big...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsMindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors) Kids Activity – Brain Training Find positive and creative ways to re-train your brain with this family fun activity.
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) You’re A Hoot – Kids Activity and Learning Learn all about owls, and there's a fun activity too.
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) The Lorax – A Kids Cut and Paste Learning Activity Cut out and paste the words into the right order to reveal the hidden rhyme.
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsKids Corner (Guest Contributors) The Amazing Spider – A Kids Activity For the most part, spiders are shy; they go about their business of catching other bugs, raising their young and making beautiful we...
Activities (Guest Contributors)Guest ContributorsHealth & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors) Art Therapy – Creative Mindfulness Activity Art Therapy – A medium for relaxation and mindfulness Art Therapy, as the name implies, is a form of analytical therapy where...