Curriculum Opportunities

We pride ourselves on a wide range of curriculum opportunities for our students

It’s not the curriculum that we offer that sets us apart, it’s the manner in which it’s delivered

Any school can teach a curriculum. Amazing schools like ours are full of teachers actively and passionately exploring the possibilities of making their teaching practice more innovative, engaging and fun at every turn. This is the single ingredient that drives the most growth in our students.

The success we attain is not only evidenced by the assessment data – but it’s seen through the smiles and joy we see on our student’s faces as a concept is grasped. This is the indefinable element that drives us as teachers to produce and grow our own teaching skills year in, year out.

Student Wellbeing

Park Ridge Primary School has developed a range of strategies to promote engagement, positive behaviour and respectful relationships for all students in our school.


At Park Ridge Primary School we believe active and effective participation in society depends on the ability to speak, listen, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment in a wide range of contexts.


At Park Ridge Primary School, students are provided with opportunities to experience success as mathematicians, through a variety of activities including skills development, solving real life problems, open ended questions, and participating in mathematics games.

Instructional Model

Our Pedagogical Model is designed to support the delivery of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. It draws from the current evidence base, including the following frameworks and initiatives:

  • Framework for Improving Student Outcomes
  • Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
  • Literacy and Numeracy Strategy
  • Practice Principles for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)
  • Professional Learning Communities
  • School Differentiation Model (School Strategic Plan, Annual Implementation Plan, Performance and Development Approach)
  • New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Community of Practice.


Physical Education

At Park Ridge Primary School we focus on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical activity in the lives of individuals and groups in our society.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts includes the fields of art, craft and design. Students create visual art works that communicate, challenge and express their own and others’ ideas.

Performing Arts

At Park Ridge Primary School, our Performing Arts curriculum focuses on a Music-based program. Our Music program aims to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential.

Languages (Indonesian)

Students learn the language of Indonesia along with Indonesian culture through fun and interactive weekly sessions. 

Digital Technologies

At Park Ridge Primary School we use Digital Technology to develop creativity, enhance critical thinking skills and promote collaborative dialogue.


At Park Ridge Primary School, our Science curriculum is very much a hands on program, designed to encourage students to learn about the world around them. Students are encouraged to pose and explore questions about all areas of the science curriculum. 

Online Tour

The best way to start learning about us. We have professionally produced dozens of videos showcasing our amazing school.

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