Enrolment Information

Priority Parish for:

Sion, Siena, Avila, Emmaus & Whitefriars Catholic Secondary Colleges

Enrolment Policy

The Enrolment Policy at St Timothy’s is based on the Archdiocese of Melbourne Enrolment Policy for Catholic Schools.

Priority of enrolment:

1.    To be eligible for enrolment in Prep, children must reach the school entry age of 5 years by April 30th.

2.    Siblings of children already enrolled in the school are given priority.

3.    A Catholic child living in the parish.

4.    A Catholic child living outside the parish if the parents can provide a good reason for not choosing their own Parish Primary school.

5. A non-Catholic child will be considered after consultation between parents, school and Parish.

We warmly welcome non-catholic families to St Timothy’s School Community.

Prep Enrolment Timeline and Procedures


Enrolments open for the following year. Tours are available with Principal by appointment or alternatively, families are welcome to attend Open Days and Information Evenings during March and April each year. Information for enrolment is circulated and enrolment forms are available from the office to be completed for applicants.

Applications must be accompanied with a

  • Birth Certificate
  • Completed Immunization Certificate
  • Baptism Certificate (if applicable)
  • Visa Details (if applicable)


Tours and Open Days are also available during May & June.

Applications for enrolments are due by May 31st. Parents are notified in writing regarding enrolment acceptance after this date.


As part of our process of welcoming new children and families to our community, families enrolling a child at St Timothy’s are invited to chat with Principal and Prep teacher to share relevant information about their child in order to assist St Timothy’s in preparation for their child’s learning journey. Dates and times to be advised.


The Prep teacher visits relevant Kindergartens to observe prospective children at work/play, and to gain insight or advice of the Kindergarten teacher regarding special considerations or concerns.

Late August /September & October /November/ Early December

We provide an optional 10-12 week Prep Orientation/Transition days to familiarise children with school. Families can commit to as many or few transition days that can be balanced with Kindergarten/Child Care.

Welcoming Social Events

St Timothy’s warmly welcomes our new families and we are keen to provide social events that encourage new families to mix and mingle with our wider school community through social events and by joining our school committees, e.g School Advisory Committee, Parents & Friends & Sports Committee.

Applications for enrolment are happily taken for other year levels

Tours by appointment throughout the year

Applications for enrolment and requests for tours can be made by contacting the school by phone on 98784188 or email

office @sttims.catholic.edu.au

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